Sunday, March 13, 2011

Photo-A-Week: Underneath

Every time you go to the Arch in St. Louis you can find people taking pictures of the massive monument. I recently saw a shot of the Arch on a friend of mine's portfolio that had a perspective I had never seen before. So right up front, sorry Lee for stealing your idea :) Well at least at the time I thought it was unique to my friend. Little did I know it looks like I may be the last one in on this little trick.

This weekend the family and I went downtown for the St. Patty's Day parade. My son gets to walk in the parade with the rest of the St. Baldrick's participants, and family gets to come too. It's a great experience and a post about that will be coming soon. Any whoosie. After the parade we planned a picnic by the Arch where I was going to get my weekly theme shot. As I watched all the people around the Arch I saw several people with cameras walk out to the middle of the field directly under the Arch and point their cameras up at the sky. I sort of felt like a silly goose thinking that I had stumbled upon something only a few had thought about, but as I said earlier it looks like I am the odd man out. 

Not anymore! I am part of the crowd that has snapped this cool photo. What really strikes me about it is at first I thought it was a body of water with the reflection in the water. Then upon seeing the windows in the top of the Arch I realized it wasn't. Just for a moment though it can play a trick on the eyes. I like that.


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